Maximizing outcomes for preschoolers with developmental language disorder: Testing the effects of a sequentially targeted naturalistic intervention
What is this project about?
This multi-site project focuses on improving language outcomes for children with expressive and receptive language delays. We are testing the efficacy of an 18-month parent-implemented language intervention for preschoolers with developmental language disorder. The Phase 2 clinical trial blends Enhanced Milieu Teaching with treatment targets drawn from our Sentence-Focused Framework to promote early vocabulary and grammatical development.
Your child could be eligible if:
- Child is less than 31 months old
- Parent is concerned about the child’s language development
- Child has no other diagnosis that influences his/her development
- Child’s caregiver uses only English with the child
- Child’s caregiver is willing to participate in parent training
Incentives for families:
- Up to $1,150 for your family’s time over the 19-month study
- Activities occur over video calls during a time that is convenient for you
- Learn how to support your child’s language growth and development
- Receive an iPad (and potentially cellular service) during your participation
This project has been reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (STU00207758) with Dr. Megan Roberts, Dr. Ann Kaiser, & Dr. Pamela Hadley as Principal Investigators, NIDCD U01 DC017135].