The APL supports community outreach and professional development on topics related to language assessment and intervention. Here are some links with helpful information about early intervention and language disorders in young children.
This YouTube channel explores topics related to assessment and intervention for early language development, especially the transition from single words to sentences. The short videos are intended for students, instructors, speech language pathologists, educators, caregivers and anyone interested in children and their development.
The SLP Clinic provides a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic services to children and adults of all ages. Individual and group therapy is provided by graduate student clinicians under the supervision and expertise of licensed and nationally certified speech-language pathologists.
This website summarizes best-practices in early intervention and shares it with families. The Clearinghouse has a lending library, resources for professionals, and resources for parents. This website is operated by the Early Childhood Collective at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This link takes you to the “Tips for Parents” page of the Hanen Centre. Over many years, the Hanen Centre has developed programs for teaching parents how to promote their children’s social interaction, language, and literacy skills during everyday interaction. The Hanen Centre is a charitable organization located in Canada.
On this website, you’ll learn about developmental language disorder (DLD), a condition that first appears in early childhood. It is characterized by difficulty understanding and using words and sentences. This website provides resources and support for parents, teachers and individuals impacted by DLD. The website is maintained by Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska.
Wordbank is an open database of children’s vocabulary growth based on data collected with the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories. The inventories are parent-reported questionnaires for use with children between the ages of 8 and 30 months of age. The wordbank contains data from child speakers of 29 different languages. Speech-language pathologists can use Wordbank to explore vocabulary norms, changes in the percentage of children who understand or say a word at each month (item trajectories), or to visualize what words are typically learned together (semantic networks). This website is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation and maintained by researchers at Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Chicago.
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